Friday, January 13, 2006

More Info on our little "Summer Flower"

We received the official documentation on Jin Xia Hua today. It contains results of medical tests and some information on her name, personality, living habits, etc.

Her surname, Jin, is used in memory of Jintian Town, the site of the uprising of the Taiping Rebellion. All children in the Guiping Social Welfare Institute (SWI) have this common surname. Xia means she was born in the summer and Hua means flower. The document says that "the name Xia Hua conveys our sincere wishes that she would be as fragrant and beautiful as a summer flower." Pretty poetic.

We were able to solve one mystery regarding the matching process. Xia Hua is described as tending to act "pettishly" (definition of pettish = easily irritated or annoyed). Hmm....I wonder who that sounds like? Let's just say that the belief that the baby is matched according to the father has been confirmed for us! One definition of pettish I found online used the sentence, "an ill-natured disagreeable old man." Can't wait to see how that description might apply to a baby. I think we'll stick with the summer flower description - oh and she's also supposed to be optimistic - that sounds nice. She apparently also loves outdoor activities - I guess she'll enjoy running outside with us then...although, the outdoor experience in Southern China might be slightly different than that here in Canada!


Barry and Jennifer Rodman said...

Lisa - evidently we need to take the referral info with a grain of salt. I'm not sure how a 5 month old baby can be described as optimistic! Laura is reported to enjoy tearing paper, which demonstrates remarkable dexterity for a young baby. I say take the good stuff and disregard the not so good stuff, like 'petty' and in Laura's case, 'restless'. The names are beautiful though aren't they? Speaking of which - any closer with Xia Hua's new name?


Jamie and Angela said...

Does this little one have a name yet? She is so cute! I was just thinking maybe by "pettish" they mean "cuddly", liking to to be "petted". Just a thought!